Setup once · Generate forever

🛒 Ecommerce📃Content Thick & Fast!

Produce unlimited Natural Language-powered product content at lightspeed. Generate, translate, revise, and approve – while maintaining a consistent brand voice – all at one place.

Wondering how?
Contiom stands for Content-Input-Output-Management.

What is Contiom?

Contiom is a Natural Language Generation platform that turns data into text quickly and efficiently in bulk. It simplifies your content team’s work– by auto-generating and translating all kinds of product content in a timely, accurate, and consistent manner.

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Hybrid Language models rule-based technology and GPT can be easily edited within the Contiom Platform giving you complete control.

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Data processor encrypts data in transit and processes data securely in cache. No data is ever sent to an external LLMs.

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Design your content automation processes strategically. Organize all content adaptations and updates automatically across all languages.

How It Works?

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#1 Upload · Analyse

Get your product attributes data uploaded from any type of data source you like.

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#2 Transform

Set up data filters and content rules to auto-convert your data into text.

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#3 Review · Final result

Design your content automation processes strategically. Organize all content adaptations and updates automatically across all languages.

Contiom Features

Upgrade your content system prioritize quality over quantity of writers.

Generate content for each product in one click and in seconds of time.

Data Analyzer
Upload your product data from any data source you like: API, Google, Excel, or manually. Let Contiom understand and consolidate your data categorically so that it can help you generate accurate content hassle-free.
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Drag-and-Drop Filter
Use Drag-and-Drop feature to remove the product information you don’t want to use in your final content. Only work with the information you wish your customers to see.
Multi-Language Content
Produce content in as many languages as you want.
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Paragraph Separation
Detangle your copywriting process and keep each content section separately. Write, set rules, revisit, and edit the sections such as the paragraph text, product features, highlights section, specific instructions, etc– one-by-one in an organized manner.
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Content Branches
Create multiple branches and sub-branches to frame your content beforehand. Select a part of the text you want to paraphrase and write it differently in the additional sub-branch and escape plagiarism like a pro!
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Content Conditions
Set up rules, add triggers, and command Contiom to automatically use a certain text with a certain scenario. Never leave room for any human error and produce content with 100% accuracy.
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Attribute Variables
Select the parts of the text that changes with every product such as color, style, fabric, etc and mark them as Variables. The variables will change automatically according to the product you’re generating content for.
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Add Synonyms
Escape plagiarism smartly. Avoid repeating the same words in every content. Take multiple synonym suggestions from Contiom or add your own manually. Generate and choose from multiple paraphrased content for the same product.
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Readymade Phrases
Make ready-made phrases instead of writing it from scratch for every product. Contiom will automatically change the attributes product-wise in the same format. You can also group multiple Phrases and use them collectively for Product Highlights, etc.
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Review the text you’ve just written!
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Final Result
Generate the product description data and download the ready file. Tada!
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Contiom in Numbers


Man hours saved


Content costs reduced by


Content speed increased by


Language supported

Load off your ecommerce content & empower your team with Contiom


After price, your product content is the most influencing buying-factor in your customers’ minds. Contiom helps you influence them right, fast, and at scale!


Say no to content mess

  • Bulky inventory? Ditch the overwhelming Excel sheets
  • No more juggling with multiple documents
  • Keep your content operations smooth and organized
  • Maximize your content development efficiency
  • Write, edit, translate, and generate content at one place
Creative Liberation

Escape the creative fatigue.

  • Say goodbye to creative fatigue
  • Ditch the stress of continuously coming up with fresh ideas
  • Produce thousands of unique content without starting from scratch
  • Let Contiom paraphrase your previous work to generate new, unique content automatically
Cost Reduction

Reduce content costs dramatically

  • Writing product descriptions manually is both expensive and time consuming
  • Maximize your operational efficiency with generating product content superfast.
  • Reduce the overall content resource and time costs dramatically.
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Rank higher on Google. Faster.

  • Match pace with ever-changing SEO rules and algorithms.
  • Generate content without missing out on any target keywords
  • Update your product content according to the trending keywords hassle-free.
  • Optimize your content fast and rank on Google faster!
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No Room for Errors

Zero scope for human errors.

  • Corporating heavy data into content is often prone to mistakes
  • Data mistakes can make your user experience awful
  • Let Contiom analyze your data & generate 100% accurate content
  • Post-analyzing, Contiom automatically inserts the product attributes into their respective content.
Boost your content

Tailor diversified & multi-lingual copy.

  • Localization is a no-compromise for global businesses
  • Generate copy in multiple languages with one-fourth labor
  • Translate content from a single template instead of starting everything from scratch
  • Just edit your existing template and start generating multi-language copy for every product

Don't take our word for it. Hear what our customers say.


“CONTIOM is the perfect tool for agencies to collect and manage feedback and issues. It makes projects go smoothly.”

Theo Hudry
CEO, Quientit Agency

“CONTIOM is the perfect tool for agencies to collect and manage feedback and issues. It makes projects go smoothly.”

Theo Hudry
CEO, Quientit Agency

“CONTIOM is the perfect tool for agencies to collect and manage feedback and issues. It makes projects go smoothly.”

Theo Hudry
CEO, Quientit Agency

“CONTIOM is the perfect tool for agencies to collect and manage feedback and issues. It makes projects go smoothly.”

Theo Hudry
CEO, Quientit Agency

“CONTIOM is the perfect tool for agencies to collect and manage feedback and issues. It makes projects go smoothly.”

Theo Hudry
CEO, Quientit Agency

“CONTIOM is the perfect tool for agencies to collect and manage feedback and issues. It makes projects go smoothly.”

Theo Hudry
CEO, Quientit Agency

Frequently Asked Questions

How will Contiom help my ecommerce company grow?

Product descriptions play a crucial role in ranking and selling your ecommerce products online.

  • Search engines rank a product on the basis of the information it contains.
  • Plus, consumers also like to get informed before making a purchase decision.

But when you have thousands of products lying in your inventory, writing product descriptions becomes a nightmare.

Contiom helps you generate unique, customized GPT-powered content for every product in seconds. You only need to set up the rules and content variables according to the product attributes, you’re all set to flourish!

Is Contiom only for writing product descriptions?

Fortunately, no! :)

You can create different types of copy and content stories for your different requirements. Such as social media, emailers, brochures, app notifications, or basically everywhere you need to fuse your product data into beautiful text.

What’s the ROI of using Contiom?

The ROI of using Contiom in your ecommerce business can be calculated with respect to three metrics– time, cost, and error.

Manual writing Vs Contiom 

  • Time metric

Let’s say your content writer takes 30 minutes to write a 300-word product description. That includes adding paragraph texts, product highlights, specific instructions, editing, etc.

Suppose, you have 1000 products lying around and you want to write descriptions for each of them. It will take the writer 1000* ½

i.e., around 500 hours to write all of them.

Whereas on an average, it takes around 80 hours to learn and set up Contiom for 1000 products. Once you set it up, you can generate their product descriptions in 2-3 seconds.

That’s 500 hrs Vs 80 hrs

To conclude, Contiom can help you reduce your content man-hours by a whopping 84%!


  • Cost metric

Say you want to write unique product descriptions for 1000 products. And your writer takes 30 minutes to write one description. For 1000 products, it will take 500 hours. 

If your writer charges say $10 per hour it will cost, for 500 hours the cost will be $5000 

Whereas, Contiom’s pricing plan ranges from $300 to $2500 for 2000 SKU to 40,000 SKU respectively.

Say you’re choosing a $300 plan, it will drop down your content cost per 1000 products by 94%. Sounds unbelievable? Try Contiom and see for yourself!  


  • Error metric

Content data errors affect both your time and cost simultaneously. Working with a gigantic set of data can be staggering for a human content writer. This can make your content vulnerable to unprecedented and myriad of errors.

More errors, means more content revisions & more edits– thus increasing both man hours and costs dramatically.

Whereas, once Contiom analyzes your data, it will change the attributes according to your changing product sample lines– neatly and automatically.

How long does it take to learn and generate content on Contiom?

You need a maximum of 40 hours to set up Contiom for a 1000-product inventory. Once rules are set, you can generate a product description in merely 2-3 seconds.

How many languages does Contiom support?

Contiom supports 108 languages on its platform right now. If you can’t find your language on the tool, simply ping our customer support team and we’ll incorporate your desired language within a business day.


Load off your ecommerce content & empower your team with Contiom

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